Conference attendance shall be by invitation only. Invited manufacturers and service providers are carefully selected by the Board of Directors to ensure the greatest possible benefit to all parties attending the Conference. Invited manufacturers and service providers shall not extend invitations to any other person who is not an employee of their company. Such invitations must originate from the Board of Directors of the Electric Utility Fleet Managers Conference (EUFMC).
Manufacturers and service providers shall pay a Company registration fee of $3925. The Company registration fee includes display space in the outdoor show. The Company name registered determines exhibit space allotted as described in item 10.
Each company registered with the EUFMC may register a maximum of five (5) representatives. The ability to register five attendees from the company is not guaranteed after March 1. Companies must register at least one key contact representative. The individual registration fee is $575 per person which purchases an EUFMC badge which is the admission to EUFMC events and meals (see item 16). Each of the registered employees may register a spouse/social guest; the registration fee for spouses/social guests is $330 each. Individual registrations are only transferable to individuals within the same company.
The maximum number of participants in the drive-through demonstration is limited. Participants in the vehicle drive-through program are determined by the EUFMC Board of Directors. As openings arise in the drive- through, priority for participation will be extended to vehicle, mobile equipment, and body manufacturers. Service providers are not eligible.
Equipment shown in the drive-through demonstrations is limited to what can be shown during the time allotted to the single vendor. Multiple vendors may utilize the same piece of equipment. The order of the demonstrations will be determined by a drawing.
Registered manufacturers and service providers may participate in the Monday afternoon equipment exhibit. Participating exhibitors may not demonstrate, display, or advertise any vehicle, equipment or product representing or bearing the signage of any other entity or company. This includes any company or affiliate of that entity, subsidiary, or partner of the manufacturer unless that entity or company is registered with the EUFMC.
For manufacturers and service providers that were registered participants in the previous year’s conference, any requests to the Board of Directors for changes to booth location or size must be received for consideration by February 1.
If an invited manufacturer has equipment and/or decals or logos displaying a company not registered with the EUFMC, additional fees will be assessed. To display equipment of a company not registered, a fee of$3938 will be assessed. To display the logo or decal of a company or product not registered, an advertising fee of $525 for each logo or decal will be assessed for not covering the decal or logo.
Participants will follow the Equipment Demonstration and Inspection General Instructions issued by the EUFMC Sr. Vice President. Participants are responsible for items displayed in their assigned exhibit space. All items displayed must fit in the space assigned. Do not drop ship equipment or other show items. Participants will make their own arrangements for items for the parking lot show area (tents, tables, chairs, displays, etc.). A contact for rentals will be provided in the spring show packet.
Booths are assigned by the EUFMC Equipment Show Coordinator. A standard booth is included in the EUFMC Company Registration fee based on the title of the company name registered. Standard booth size is determined according to product:
Additional display space may be available for purchase to add to the booth provided. EUFMC sponsors have priority in purchasing additional display space.
The ability to host a hospitality or reception at the conference is a privilege extended to the highest level sponsors. Events must be coordinated with the EUFMC, Director of Administration. All such events will be listed in the EUFMC schedule. The EUFMC will not support unauthorized events and consider such events in conflict with the purpose of the Conference. Fleet Representatives should not attend functions that conflict with scheduled EUFMC activities Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Private invitations issued to fleet managers by EUFMC manufacturers and service providers must not conflict with scheduled EUFMC activities; cooperation is expected. Hospitality rooms shall be kept closed while EUFMC meals are taking place and EUFMC meetings are in session.
Current hospitality room assignments will be reserved for the following year for the hosting manufacturers to whom the hospitality expense is billed. If a host manufacturer releases the hospitality space, current hospitality hosts are given first right of refusal on the space available. After the current hosts are contacted, the open space remaining is assigned to the first sponsor who expresses interest in the space.
During all conference related functions, manufacturers shall not offer any gifts, promotional items, door prizes, raffles or any other giveaways that exceed a nominal value.
Filming or video is prohibited at all EUFMC events unless approved in advance by the EUFMC President.
Requests for hotel room reservations shall be made through Group Reservations, Colonial Williamsburg Company. Hospitality and function rooms must be coordinated with the EUFMC Director of Administration (see item 11).
Name badges are issued to those who have purchased a conference registration. Attendees of any conference activity must wear the EUFMC name badge of the current year’s conference. Name badges are required for admission to EUFMC sponsored events. Badges are closely monitored to prevent unauthorized persons from participating in the Conference.
Conference registration for manufacturers and service providers must be received by March 1 or a late registration fee of $1260 will be assessed. After the deadline, booth space and location cannot be guaranteed, and additional companies may be invited to register.
Refunds will be made on cancellation of registration through March 31. Refunds cannot be made on cancellations after March 31.
This was my third year attending EUFMC and it was better than ever. When I was a new fleet manager, the contacts and information I gained from this conference were instrumental in my career. This year was no exception with so many exciting vendors and presentations. I cannot wait until 2025.
Rick Sutherland
Prevt Maint-Equipment Management
Electric Power Board of Chattanooga
PO Box 500
Williamsburg, VA 23187-0500
Phone: (757) 220-1795
EUFMC is an annual event with a unique atmosphere and an educational format that allows utility fleet professionals to view the latest fleet products and technology, attend sessions on the most pertinent topics of fleet management, while also providing roundtable discussions on those topics and encouraging the attendees to network with their industry peers and the manufacturer/vendor community.
Copyright © 2025 Electric Utility Fleet Managers Conference, LLC | All Rights Reserved